Five Easy Pieces - (Rafelson;USA;1970) - ****
Excellent. I've heard people say this film is the first step to About Schmidt. Warren Schmidt is a man who worked all his life to find it ment nothing to him emotionally. Bobby Dupea in this film is a man who is stuck in a spot, away from his former home life, and forever running from himself. Jack Nicholson gives yet another memorable performance. Bobby had a beautiful home life, and a start in music as a pianist, however it didn't suit him, he left to become nothing, odd jobs, for now an oil worker. If Bobby had kept one job and one family he would have grown up to be Schmidt. But we are talking two completely different character studies. Laszlo Kovacs does the cinematography, which is great, those who saw his work in "Easy Rider" might enjoy his work here. This film definitely left a burning emotion in me in the last scene, and it summed the film up perfectly.
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