The Aviator [PG-13]

(First off, I can't write reviews like Capo, so I won't even try. I just wanna give my impression having just seen this tonight. )

Directed by: Martin Scorsese


Leonardo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes
Cate Blanchett as Katharine Hepburn
Kate Beckinsale as Ava Gardner

Okay, I will admit, I had NO idea what this movie was going to be about when I plopped it in. (It was, uhh, acquired from a friend. ) I never saw any trailers or commercials, but figured -- Scorsese, why not? Even though the thought of Leo DiCrapio since Basketball Diaries made me cringe, it is Scorsese.

Right off the bat I realized this was the story of the obsessive-compulsive, eccentric, often delusional, filmmaker and aviator, Howard Hughes (1905-1976)!

I didn't know anything about Hughes except that he produced Scarface (1932). I didn't know he made the most expensive movie of his time (Hell's Angels (1930); $4 million). I didn't know he was THE Hughes in Hughes Aircraft. I didn't know he had relationships with Kate Kepburn or Ava Gardner. I had no idea he went nuts and back again.

...And I had NO idea that Mr. DiCaprio could pull off the title role.

DiCaprio was just fine, and convincing, perhaps for the first time in most of his recent films (IMHO). While I've never seen the real Hughes, I can just imagine (rather clearly) what he was like after Leo's performance.

Had I not known this was a Scorsese picture, I never would have guessed it. It didn't seem nearly as dark as usual, although it has its moments. This seems to be new territory for him, and it was pulled off very well. Sections were almost reminiscent of Tim Burton's Ed Wood.

Clocking in at almost 3 hrs in length, time never dragged and I was enganged throughout. I'm sure most here would be, too -- give it a shot!


I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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