Hey Cook quick question for ya but first let me say im not on here to try to be some internet tough guy or talk slick to people but what makes you consider the Philly guys as lowlives and im not aome Philly fanboy im not even from out there im well aware they all not making an homest dollar and im aure there are scumbags on every bunch but unless your law enforcement or an upstanding citizen criticizing the mob on a mob forum then why the low life comment im sure a good percentage of those guys are living pretty good i love how some people call some of these guys from all families brokesters especially merlino i dnt care if its his money or if he got aome loser jerkoffs financing his lifestyle he lives it big bro 5 million dollar bond stays driving big boy luxury cars lives in nice homes in diff states kids go to big name Universities and hes def not the only mob guy living like that plenty guys im sure have way way more loot than him wether they choose to be flashy or not and again philly fam is much smaller and its members are without a doubt not as wealthy as say alot of guys in the 5 families but id bebe willing to bet that the capos and above all live pretty damn good and id imagine so do most soldiers and depending on which associate some are extremely paid again though no disrespect im not being a wise ass theres plenty a people who say dumb shit on here and im notbsaying your one of them at all i just wanted to know ur reason behind the comment thats all if you dont wanna explain thats fine but if you do id like to hear it i could be wrong