Originally Posted By: PHL_Mob
$157 million is a lot of money though even if it is in fact being split up with the Genovese, Joey, Joey's Florida guys that were in on the scam (Sirkin, Kreisburg, etc), and the actual participants (doctors, patients, etc) there's still gotta be AT LEAST a few million that went Joey's way if not a lot more. You know he was getting at least $10-20 million of that $157M. That's why these guys are probably grumbling about raising money for his legal fees because on top of all the healthcare scam millions he was getting all of the Philly kick on top and he's still got his hand out. Not like Joey is paying for lawyers for all these other guys that had to get court appointed attorneys (Battaglia for example who might not have even been convicted in the first place had a had a lawyer like Eddie Jacobs representing him apparently). I think the bottom line here is that Joey would be asking for others to pay for his legal fees whether he had a billion in cash under the mattress or $1. It's just Joey's mentality and how he operates. Only thing is, Joey should watch it... Unless he's really actually taking care of his guys or cutting his admin on these big scams, etc, then I'd have to wonder if Joey putting his hand out again for help with his legal fees after all the money that has come his way the past couple of years might build resentment within not just the rank-and-file, but his closest friends/Admin even.

Yeah I am thinking eventually they will just get tired of it

If he was out of prison instead of away for 14 years acting like this he might not be here lol