Let me try to reply to one of your points again. I think I missed what you were trying to relay...

Like the Agrigento thing, you completely misunderstood what I was saying. You also don't consider the timelines. My whole point of that was that Agrigento mobsters have had 50 years in the drug business, so THATS WHERE THIER CONTACTS COME FROM. Not the NY based Bonnanos. There is no opium in NY, no cocoa in NY. You gotta got to wherever the coke is, wherever the dope is to get a high level connect like that.

What I think you were saying here is that the Rizzuto organization had connections to Sicily of their very own, and did not need any Bonanno.

We just don't see this the same way. The Canadian crew didn't suddenly become drug dealers once George from Canada was whacked. They were long before, and again, those connections and pipeline were the property of the Bonanno Corporation. Furthermore, to me, it's just not plausible that once George from Canada was whacked, that those connections and pipeline suddenly became the property of Vito Rizzuto. The part of the book where Vito explains to Massino's emmisary that "We are our own little family", as if he dismissed the Bonanno ownership of his whole operation with a sigh...I just don't buy it.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."