
meant to reply to this earlier. There are proud strong Catholic institutions in America. They were created primarily because of the violent and strong opposition that Irish Catholics faced in this country from other "so called" Christians when they arrived here in droves.

People wanted them to blend in/assimilate into the dominant culture and they refused to hide who they were or their beliefs.That HAS to be respected.

F1 pointed out the history/root of some of the anti-Catholic prejudice to me a few months back. It went back centuries and it was more complex than what I thought it was.
At the end of the day though it was wrong and directed towards people who had nothing to do directly with the reasons they hated Catholics.

I think Muslims today, average regular people, are victims of the same kind of misdirected anger. Nobody wants to be victim of terror, I surely don't!!
But to the extent that potential terrorists can/should be monitored...I say let these people live their lives until/unless they seek to harm other people.