Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
Originally Posted By: satch7
mike, unless you want to talk about the rampant discrimination in the job market there we are wasting our time. I know too many folks who graduated from college there who could not get interviews in the city, so the rest of the folks will have a even worst time getting jobs there. Why you think the vast majority of black college grads there with a decent job is working for the government. My sister graduated from the university of Baltimore and could not get a job in private industry there. how many black males you see downtown coming out those office buildings at 5 pm in that city?.

I got another friend come out of Pennsylvania avenue, he went to Kansas state played football and graduated ,went to grad school at University of Pennsylvania. I ran into him downtown Baltimore and he told me he could not get a job there, as soon as he sent his resume out of town;he got hired right away.You would think that is the kind of people they want to stay there.

Another thing when the smokestack industries started going away they put any real money into the harbor. The blacks did not remove the good paying jobs from that city either or intentionally put them off public transportation. I finished growing up there and was just there for a week,I know what happened there. Can I go into safe African American areas in Northeast Baltimore? yes I can. I also know the justice system let known jack behinds run wild there for years too. I know you saw it.

I got arrested for grand theft auto when they had the repo report at hq. my wife who I filed divorce from told them I stole the car. All that fat slob rebel had to do was call to confirm he refused too. this is the crap they do there

Satch i do know what you're talking about and i went to UB law. I know the job market is tough there as it is all over. It took a while for me to find one too. I understand the examples you stated but you cant generalize that the reason these friends of yours didnt get the job they applied for was because or their race. The likely reason is the person that was hired was more qualified. Baltimore is a liberal city run by liberals so if there is job discrimination going on you cant necessarily blame that on white republicans

As far as seeing african americans working in the downtown office buildings, i can only speak to the legal field. I graduated from UB law and our class of 515 students had about 35% african americans. Those that apply for law school and have the qualifications get in .. and those that dont, dont get in. And minorities have an easier time getting in frankly because of court decisions like the Michigan and Texas. Ases that allow schools to ask about race and require them to use race as a factor, which I frankly feel is wrong. Admission, hiring anything in life should be based on ones merit not what ethnicity or race you are. I get that 40-50 yrs ago these laws were needed to undue prejudices that prevented minorities from getting into higher education and certain jobs..but imo that time has passed and the persons focusing on race are those claiming to be victims of discrimination.

But to say there arent any good jobs in Baltimore as the reason why there have been I believe almost 400 murders and a rise in violent crime is insanely inaccurate and is passing the buck of responsibility. People are responsible for their choices an. No one made these animals commit these crimes except for themselves. If they come from shittty situations thats a shame but if they want to work hard, do well ij school those same opportunities are absolutely available, itll just take more work than someone who came from money or privileges. And i did not i worked my ass off to get to law school and graduate and becom an attorney.

I really cant stand that argument that all these other factors are the reason why peiple commit crimes, dont work hard or have regular jobs. Theres always shity jobs out there people can take, then work hard to move up in life and succeed snd leave their kids in a better situation than they came from.. that is what every person thats able to work should do, thats not debatable

Lastly in my firm we have 11 associate attorneys like me that are minorities that worked hard and deserve to be there. They didnt all come from money, they earned it. I dont buy for a second that Baltimores job market is discriminating and any worse than anywhere in the country's. I also dont buy that this is somehow the reason for Baltimore being a violent shit hole.. thats on the animals that inhabit the city thet aren't willing to work and dont respect the law

first of all it is not a dem/gop issue, the racism there is on a grass roots level on up. the everyday redneck is in on the game because they want somebody to be underneath them. they know the calvert hall, gilman and roland park folks look down
on them.

two I saw those degreed folks get discriminated against they are friends and family. I have been around enough in corporate America to know folks play major games aginst black males especially. I personally know of two cases where folks tried to promote white hs grads over blacks with master degrees. I knew the whites and the blacks in those cases and their qualfications. you will never convince me that a white male with a master degree from a ivy school will have trouble landing a interview like my friend experienced in Baltimore.

you cannot erase 450 years of social engineering in 50 years.the blacks were socially engineered into poverty and you see the effects today . my mother is 85 years who was born into jim crow in Mississippi when I visit her in Mississippi I see the effects of jim crow still in that state. you want to act like the whites in that region did not play a role in the state of Baltimore today.i call bs I saw them truck in white guys from delaware to do freaking laborer jobs on construction sites. the mercantile bank building was where I saw it first hand dec 1978

nobody should have been building shit in that city and not making sure the poor folk get some of those jobs.i know they applied just like I did.that crap goes on then folks cry because folks turn to crime. here is what I know about Baltimore is that city is 60 percent black but I can find a ton of lily white job sites and offices there.

screw affirmative action talk when a ton of whites have to take remedial math and English class their freshman year,only the whites who went to the best high schools do not. test scores like the SAT are a test of exposure, you think a kid who grew up in a landlocked city is going to know what a regatta is? but that kid from Newport Beach,California whose family owns a big boat will and will get that question right.