mike, unless you want to talk about the rampant discrimination in the job market there we are wasting our time. I know too many folks who graduated from college there who could not get interviews in the city, so the rest of the folks will have a even worst time getting jobs there. Why you think the vast majority of black college grads there with a decent job is working for the government. My sister graduated from the university of Baltimore and could not get a job in private industry there. how many black males you see downtown coming out those office buildings at 5 pm in that city?.

I got another friend come out of Pennsylvania avenue, he went to Kansas state played football and graduated ,went to grad school at University of Pennsylvania. I ran into him downtown Baltimore and he told me he could not get a job there, as soon as he sent his resume out of town;he got hired right away.You would think that is the kind of people they want to stay there.

Another thing when the smokestack industries started going away they put any real money into the harbor. The blacks did not remove the good paying jobs from that city either or intentionally put them off public transportation. I finished growing up there and was just there for a week,I know what happened there. Can I go into safe African American areas in Northeast Baltimore? yes I can. I also know the justice system let known jack behinds run wild there for years too. I know you saw it.

I got arrested for grand theft auto when they had the repo report at hq. my wife who I filed divorce from told them I stole the car. All that fat slob rebel had to do was call to confirm he refused too. this is the crap they do there

Last edited by satch7; 10/13/16 01:17 AM.