Gulf War- to liberate Kuwait. In 91 we didn't know of his other activities as we did in 2003.

Iraq war- many other reasons we went there besides WMDs. We knew of his other activities. Knew of his connections.

And if the US is such an important part to the UN, it makes one wonder if the US was involved with these scandals.
The US wasn't involved. If you know anything about them you'd know that it's not some corrupt money pool that UN nations just dip into... there were circumstances and intricate ties that show how corrupt the UN is, and the US had nothing to do with this. What's more, I think the US should leave the UN, and let them figure it out themselves.

"Today I settled all family business, so don't tell me you're innocent, Carlo-" Michael Corleone

"I punks ed i gruppi ed i rappers moderni hanno avuti timore migliore il sole aumentante di questa cosa di il nostro."