andrew DiDontaro a corezzo associate in the 80s and 90s he said weeks before nicky was arrested he told him and mike yannotti that they were to kill junior gotti if nicky got arrested nicky was angry that junior was cheating him out of that phone scam. According to andrew the murder never happened because junior got indicted and nicky never gave the go ahead. He also said nicky told him he was going to "step up" and take over the family and that he would now have to report to Lenny DiMaria.

talks alot of shit in his book andrew so not sure how much is truth a few interesting stories like how in the 80s how the corezzo crew had beef with some lucheses a couple of guys got killed and a few shootings. In the 90s aswell alot of detail on the 1996 robert arena murder and on billy cutlo junior

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion