I watched all two series of gomorrah and I'm watching Narcos; I think that Narcos is beter than gomorrah and now say why: in narcos there both sides police and narcos while in gomorrah the savastano men rules on secondigliano and scampia like a feudal lord,there no police that fight against them,and EVERY people or work for them or are scarried and dont do anything while in scampia and secondigliano there more people that say NO to the camorra and work honestly.

In the real life all men that started the scampia feud are dead or in prison, while in the show genny savastano make bussiness with the narcos,go in germany for speak with his father, make deals for sell the cokes in rome ecc but where is the police,the carabinieri ecc in the series, all the villains, are unpunished, kill, sell drugs without there being a counterpart in police who tried to stop them while in narcos there are good both American and Colombian who fight against the excessive power of escobar.