Did Casale possess child porn or did he actually molest kids? How the fuck do these so called family men of honor stand for that shit and no chop his dick off and feed it to him? I mean i know that honor shit is a myth and other wiseguys like Christy Tick and I think Sonny Franzese were convicted rapists but those are from like the 40's... This Casale guy flipped in what 95, idk how they didn't know or didn't care he was a child molester? Guess im kinda just ranting since i know the response is the man of honor is a myth and theyll look the other way if the guys useful or an earner, but interested to know if anyone knows more about Philly Flay Casale.. Fuck even his nickname is fuckin fruity

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"