
Fox news was created simply to fill a niche.I'm not sure that any of the on air people believe the copy they read or the editorials that they allegedly write anymore than any cable news person does.
I watched segments on msnbc and fox earlier this weekend and depending on the slant of the guest....the host would either allow the person to speak or abruptly cut them off mid sentence and ask them another question.

Fox on air talent and their shenanigans become more extreme when there is a candidate that they are promoting that they can't honestly support with a straight face.Like Trump now or like Sarah Palin years ago. That's when they break out the clown suits and do the entire 3 ring circus. It's a distraction, and it works for the their viewers.
Can't blame them, though. What are they gonna do? Try to logically explain to the public why a novice politician is suited to be POTUS?