Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
Originally Posted By: gangstereport
now i just think your a fucking idiot read what i said my last post started with me saying i did have an interest in the election for reasons i stated

Actually read my posts aswell because i dont think you have your just chatting shit instead of actually replying to my posts because you dont like what i said about that clinton pathetic really

but its pointless arguing with people like you because you will just twist what i say and not actually answer my posts

Right on, I agree with most of what you say on foreign policy issues.

Oak views everything through a super hyper partisan lens, and likes to misrepresent other people's position. It's fascinating to actually come across someone like that though.

There's a reason even some neo con war Hawks talk about supporting Clinton and hate Trump more. It isn't because of Trumps domestic policy, because they could careless about that. It's because he isn't pro war enough for the republican establishment. Which is crazy.

It actually isn't clear that Clinton is the better candidate. I won't be cheering election night no matter who wins.

This pro war view that alot of politicians have in the US i cant understand history tell us that whenever the US have tried to intervene it has ended up in a disaster from Vietnam in the 70s to Iraq early 2000s. Libya another disaster that was again US getting involved supporting groups who overthrew the government now look that country is fucked 8 different groups running the country and millions of refugees.The republicans always seem to be very pro war which i cant understand you think Iraq would have taught them a lesson its this bubble alot of US politicians live in they think they know the answers to everything and instead of doing good they just cause trouble alot of hypocrites aswell.

Trumps plans wont work putting troops into Iraq is pointless sure ISIS will get pushed out alot quicker but then what you have tens of thousands of soldiers studk in a country where the people hate the US and you cant allow countries like Iraq to be depdant on the US under Saddam dictator yes but Iraq was able to look after itself but now look it cant survive without US if the west as soon as the US and UK left terrorist groups like ISIS took territory and the Iraqi army today is so shit that if the west had not started doing airstrikes ISIS would have probably taken the whole of Iraq. These countries need to sort there own problems out otherwise every time the west leaves groups like ISIS will attack.

His comments on South Korea are dumb the US is not protecting them because they are kind people look at all those african countries that have wars going on people getting slaughtered there but US is not there why? no benefits for the US alot of hypocrites these politicans they are doing it for there own reasons trade, stopping communism and limiting Chinas influence are the reasons the US helps the south trump saying south should pay for protection is ridiculous its not like the US are doing it for nothing.

I do agree with him on Nato to a certain degree it is overfunded and i dont think it is useful in this day and age. Those exercises they are doing in Eastern Europe are wrong aswell just causing tensions to rise with Russia. US does need to start working with Russia than against it but it wont happen even if trump wins he will get played by putin he will be out of his depth sad state.

I am watching this election with interest i am not going to be happy about either candidate but too late now i just hope they dont do too much damage i was hoping a moderate would be voted in

Last edited by gangstereport; 09/03/16 10:51 PM.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion