reread what i said never said i dident care about the election i said i dont care what there domestic policies are. I do have an interest in the election because of the power the US has

I dont know how me having a different opinion to Clinton supporters helps when i dont live in the US i dont really care. Her having a heart? i dont know what she has been doing in the US but most people outside of the US think she is a [BadWord] she has caused us mass problems and when she causes another war where thousands will die she will be a great person then of course in the bubble some of you guys in the US live in you wont notice that nor will you care i blame alot of the problems in Europe and Middle East on this last obama/clinton/john kerry administration i dont know if i can believe not many good people are politicians obama had some morals but he was caused alot of trouble in the world not all his fault though he got unlucky and was just out of his depth

also you said obama improved the US not denying that i dont live there but i thought congress blocked 90% of what he wanted to do so did he really do much? i dont know i could be wrong i dont live in the US

Trump i agree he is a fucking idiot my opinion from a outsider someone who does not live in the US is that clinton or trump both will be bad news for the rest of the world

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion