Originally Posted By: getthesenets

Thanks for the vids, also for the article that you posted weeks ago highlighting how Clintons pillaged the money donated and allocated for the economic recovery of Haiti. I've written here since I joined that the "aid industry" is a scam. Not intended to help the countries they claim to, just to use poor people as stage props to raise funds and pocket them. More important than what they took. Under the watch of Clinton foundation....people were displaced....land was grabbed and drilling rights granted....for gold now and other things soon

So the very resources under the ground in Haiti, which could/should raise the standard of living for the people....is instead going to enrich outsiders. Same thing that happened in African countries.

Clintons are scoundrels and thieves of the highest order.

I have no proof, but I suspect that they used local contacts to uncover and expose "Bridge Gate" in NJ.Christie was the biggest threat to Hillary..and he was derailed. I also think that they used influence to help Trump in Rep. primaries. She couldn't have asked for a better opponent in general election.

think trump--- running for prez,could have been set up by the Clintons, he was all for them in 2008, and before. remember trump has always been a democrat, he talked to bill Clinton before he decided to run. maybe it goes deeper than you think.

" watch what you say around this guy, he's got a big mouth" sam giancana to an outfit soldier about frank Sinatra. [ from the book "my way"