i dont even live in the US its just a outsiders opinion on things and i have a very different interest in this election for example i dont care what trump or Clinton do domestically if Trump wants to build a fucking wall i wont judge even if from my point of view its crazy i dont live in the US how would i know whats right and whats wrong?

Its there foreign policy which interests me because it will effect us because the US is such a big power in the world what they do throughout the world has a knock onffect on everyone else. And from what i have seen these two are awful trumps ego is too big of a problem he will just offend people and putin would eat him alive. Clinton is just trouble US will end up in a war in her time as president i guarantee it she is so confrontational she wants things to go back to the cold war cant stand her she is one of the many US leaders who think they know all the answers to the worlds problems when the truth is she does not know shit. She will cause problems with Putin and will enflame an already very tense situation in Europe things have not been this tense since the 80s. And last thing we need is her getting involved in the middle east look what happened last time she did that fucked Libya up now millions of refugees are coming through there into Italy we have to deal with the US fucking mess and she helped destabilize Syria millions of refugees she will cause some nation to collapse and then there will be a war and millions of refugees its a cycle.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion