Originally Posted By: antimafia
Originally Posted By: antimafia
"Rizzuto voulait torturer Ducarme, qu'il soupçonnait d'avoir tué son fils"


Vincent Larouche of La Presse wrote an article (on the same subject) that was published online a day after the Journal de Montréal story was published--here's the link:


Paul Cherry of the Montreal Gazette wrote two items, published online today, on this very topic. The link below is to a timeline of events that are bookended by the murders of Nick Rizzuto Jr. and Ducarme Joseph.


The following link is to Cherry's article, and below the link is an excerpt:


The possible motive behind Nick Rizzuto[ Jr.]’s murder has never been made clear, but Joseph was also alleged by police sources to have been a suspect in the murder of Frederico Del Peschio, a 59-year-old close associate of Vito Rizzuto’s who was gunned down near Del Peschio’s restaurant in Montreal on Aug. 21, 2009.

I know that two La Presse reporters mentioned in an article after Joseph's death that the murder of Federico Del Peschio in August 2009 might also, in addition to Nick Rizzuto Jr.'s murder, be related to Joseph's murder--see http://www.lapresse.ca/actualites/justic...e-la-mafia.php. But am I wrong to think that the above sentence in Cherry's article is the first mention in print that Joseph was a suspect in Del Peschio's murder?

Also interesting Joseph had a list with names among them “Le Vieux” (Rizzuto Sr) killed a few months later.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"