Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
faithful- i dont like that video, ive always known she against guns,

now I'm thinking something else, now, when I was selling guns
you only had to fill out a form 4473, to purchase a gun. when Clinton became president he listened to sarah brady, hence the brady bill. then I had to call in a background check with a nics

purchase order, you either got a proceed, delay, or denial.
and I hated bill Clinton for that, I voted for bob dole in 96
now Im wondering if it was Hillary behind sarah brady and the brady bill. your thoughts on that.

I'm sorry, but I don't know so I can't answer that question. My belief is that Bill shares Hillary's views on firearms, but when he was President the consensus was that she had more liberal views than he did. After all, Bill did work with the GOP on his second term which had good results for the economy. On the other hand, during the first Democratic debate with Bernie Sanders, etc., when asked who she was proud to consider her enemy she named the NRA and the Republicans. How are you going to work together and reach across the aisle if you consider the opposition to be enemies? She could have said ISIS or Al Qaeda, but to her I guess the NRA and the GOP are worse. Back in the days of John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan the presidents would at least be cognizant of the fact that their political opponents are still fellow Americans. Anyway, that's the best answer I can give.

Last edited by Faithful1; 08/28/16 06:46 PM.