Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Binnie, we hear about various "lobbies" that the Republicans are indebted to, like the "gun lobby" (the NRA), the Christian Right and the Tea Party. Yet we don't hear as much about the Democratic Party lobbies. Right now the Democratic lobbies include the gun control lobby (like the Brady Campaign and several others), the teachers' union (the NEA), the Teamsters, Black Lives Matter, the NAACP, the abortion lobby (Planned Parenthood), the gay and trans lobby (GLAAD, etc), environmentalists, and several others. There are also big donors such as Tom Steyer, George Soros and Hollywood celebrities. Hillary and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and their aides wrote the 2016 Democratic Party Platform to reflect the interests of all these lobbying groups.

To appease the gun lobby, one thing that is on the agenda is that Hillary wants to make it possible for gun manufacturers to face lawsuits for the actions of those who illegally use firearms. If this goes through what may happen? It may put them out of business. That's the goal: destroy gun makers. It's on page 39 of the Democratic Party Platform: https://www.demconvention.com/wp-content...16-no-lines.pdf

She won't rethink her position on guns. Follow the money of the big donors, it's what they want. Not only that, she's always been a Far Left-wing progressive going back to when she befriended the radical Saul Alinsky and always supported gun control. (You can read her thesis on Alinsky pointing out that she disagrees with him in one area, and that's working on the inside (as a politician): http://www.hillaryclintonquarterly.com/documents/HillaryClintonThesis.pdf)

Of course, just to state the obvious, all the press about Republican lobbies, and the lack of it about Democrat lobbies, is the result of, well, the liberal press. The left-leaning media has always ran interference for the Democrats.

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