Actually one more excerpt, this goes to Naples and the drug trade...

“Raffaele Abbinante. He was one of the most charismatic figures in Spain, where he was in command of the Costa del Sol region. In 1997, 2,500 kilos of hashish, 1,020 ecstasy pills, and 1,500 kilos of cocaine were seized in a huge operation. The authorities proved that the Neapolitan cartels of the Abbinantes and Nuvolettas were managing” “nearly all the synthetic-drug traffic in Spain and Italy”

Now the question is if this is still true today. Do the Naples clans still control all the synthetics? I ask because the calabrians are moving mountains of synthetics in Australia. Do they buy from the Naples gangs? I'm not sure, but if the Naples guys have ALL the synthetics, ALL the hash, ALL the heroin, and handle a good portion of the coke, who knows?

If these recent indictments have shown me anything, it's that the SIDERNO GROUP is the one with the direct line to Colombia. I'm not sure if that's true for the rest of the Ndrangheta clans...

Any more thoughts on this fellas?

Last edited by CabriniGreen; 08/27/16 02:40 AM.