Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: Faithful1

Binnie, if you take a few more steps you can become a NEVER TRUMP/NEVER HILLARY voter. It's a small hill to climb, but light of the sun will lead the way. Once you make it over you'll notice the air is cleaner and the day is brighter.

lol,lol, faithful, its certainly a different election than what seniors like myself have ever seen,

Hillary keeps getting slamed every other day, come election day, she will have a ton of baggage. makes a lot of older people wonder, about the Clintons.

Binnie, I don't have to criticize Trump to you since you're already in the NEVER TRUMP camp. But a few things about Hillary:

1. Hillary is a Machiavellian who will do anything and say anything to advance, including lying, deception and pandering. She pandered to black churches using a phony accent, she lied about being under fire in Bosnia, and continues to lie about her emails. We know that Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC undermined Bernie Sanders' campaign, and we also know that Schultz and the DNC was pushing from Clinton. Schultz used to work for Hillary, and it's likely that she was involved herself in sabotaging the Sanders campaign. Back in 1996 the late William Safire of the New York Times called Hillary a compulsive liar then and listed the reasons why: http://www.nytimes.com/1996/01/08/opinion/essay-blizzard-of-lies.html

2. She still lies today and repeatedly defends them, one lie on top of another. FBI Director James Comey pointed out how she made one untruthful statement after another. Since then thousands of documents have been released from the State Dept. and through Wikileaks providing even more evidence of lying and corruption.

3. She used the Clinton Foundation as a "pay to play" operation in which big donors would get favors from the State Dept. Her top aide Cheryl Mills worked in the Clinton Foundation and at State at the same time, a total conflict of interest. The Foundation is known for providing help all over the world, but it also gives contracts to Clinton friends and cronies that does more to help their businesses than the people supposedly in need.

4. She vowed to keep the monstrosity known as Obamacare instead of the more viable alternatives such as the single-payer plan promoted by Bernie Sanders or the free market plans put out by Ben Carson and Rand Paul.

5. She's an abortion extremist, not only supporting it for the entire duration of a pregnancy for any reason whatsoever (up to birth), but supports forcing religious groups that have moral disagreements to pay for them -- even when there's absolutely no need, like a group of elderly Catholic nuns.

6. She wants to appoint judges who would re-interpret the Second Amendment to take away the individual right to own firearms. She has stated she would like to adopt the Australian plan that involved gun confiscation.

7. Whether you agree or not, she did engage in gross negligence with classified information and it was not the same thing Colin Powell did. Powell still had a secure server. Hillary had several servers. James Comey added an element of intent that's not in the statute U.S. Code 18-793(f), and wasn't in it for a reason. Deleting 30,000 emails is something that's done by racketeers, not normal individuals deleting unimportant personal data as she claimed. Moreover, her attorneys didn't have the clearance to do what they did, and they used a wipe program that prevents even the FBI from recovering them. Her husband's former adviser James Carville gave the reason she did this, and that was she wanted control over the information. It's likely there was something incriminating.

8. Her other top aide, Huma Abedin, was for 11 years the assistant editor of her mother's journal, the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs. Her mother was in the Muslim Brotherhood (a group that Egypt and several other Middle Eastern countries declared a terrorist organization) and the journal is Islamist and blames 9/11 on the United States. We don't know exactly how Abedin has influenced her, but it's interesting to note that President Obama said he wants to bring in 10,000 Syrian Muslim refugees to the U.S. (and he's almost reached that goal) with a lot of criticism and questions about vetting, yet Hillary says she wants to bring in SIX TIMES as many Syrian refugees. It's also interesting to note that associates of the Muslim Brotherhood are on the Homeland Security advisory board TODAY. This is amazing since Hamas, which is designated as a terrorist organization by the USA, is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Al Qaeda also came out of the Brotherhood.

9. She voted for the Iraq War, she supported bombing Libya and Syria and still supports war in Syria. She's also made unfounded conspiratorial criticisms of Putin (not saying all criticisms are unjustified)and could very well try to provoke an incident between the U.S. and Russia. There's a reason why she's known as a hawk and a warmonger.

These are only some of the concerns about Hillary Clinton. As my daughter told me, she'd like a female President, but NOT HER.