Originally Posted By: olivant
A small group of protestors holding ‘White Lives Matter’ signs staged a demonstration outside the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People building in Houston on Sunday.

Holding Confederate flags and assault rifles, the group of nearly 20 people gathered in Houston to protest against the NAACP for failing to condemn the perceived role of Black Lives Matter in relation to the deaths of white police officers.

“We came out here to protest against the NAACP and their failure in speaking out against the atrocities that organizations like Black Lives Matter and other pro-black organizations have caused the attack and killing of white police officers, the burning down of cities and things of that nature,” group member Ken Reed, donning a ‘Donald Trump 16’ cap, told the Houston Chronicle. “If they’re going to be a civil rights organization and defend their people, they also need to hold their people accountable.”

Reed said the group wasn’t there to cause problems and that the Confederate flags were being flown to symbolize Southern heritage. Police cleared out the crowd around 3:30 p.m. on Sunday afternoon.

I guess they finally realized they weren't fooling anyone with the "All Lives Matter".

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