When you are stopped by an officer. Do what he says. Don't argue, don't resist, just be a good little boy or girl. Talking back to an officer of the law is not a wise choice. I refused to get out of my car once until my lawyer was present. Big mistake. I was tasered, pepper sprayed, and got my ass beat. Instead of calling the papers and blaming the POlice, I said to myself: just do what they tell you and deal with the judge. As much as I dont like cops, I respect the fact that they perform a civic duty and put their lives on the line. So, whenever I get pulled over, I treat them with respect. They're only doing their job. If I don't agree with the reason they stop me for, I will go to court. The problem with society in general, (not only the blacks, African-Americans, or whatever theyre identifying themselves as today) is that too many fuck-ups are having kids that shouldnt be. Two fuck-ups lead to more fuck ups. Freedom of choice! They say. Thats fine and dandy but when you cant take care of yourself, how can you raise a someone the right way. Kids don't have respect and structure the way they used to. Run your fucking mouth to the cops and get shot to death. After all the riots and protest, youre dead. You cant fix dead. The cop loses his job but doesnt do any time. You lose! Your city is burned down, businesses leave, the cops don't want to set foot bc they're affraid of losing their lives. Some hoodlum kills an innocent bystander in a shooting or some old lady gets killed bc you got what you wanted: the POlice to leave you alone.