SPOILERS throughout this whole post

I'm not saying it won't work... My point is that it's not necessary. It's better if you don't have anything to lie about in the first place. You know, keep yourself out of trouble, and you have nothing to cover up. As for Natalie Portman, you can fool anyone for as long a period of time as you want, if you're good. But I think that her lies were different from the truth/lies involved with the others' cheating, ya know?

If she had given him her real name at first and stuff, it wouldn't have made a difference in their relationship. I think the point of that part in the movie was to show that he never really had her the way he thought he did, that even though he thought he was "above" her and fooling her, she was doing her own fooling.

But beyond that, I mean about the cheating... If they hadn't all given each other so many details about their affairs, do you think they would have broken up in the end? I mean they were always pretty close to forgiving each other, until the reality of it hits them with the details, ya know? That's what I mean about them trying to make it seem like lying would have been the better option.