I saw it, and it sucks because I was so excited about it... I expected something so much better. Because of my expectations, in comparison, I hated the movie. The acting was really good, on the part of all four of the actors (even Julia Roberts, whom I cannot stand), but there was just so much I didn't like about it, on a plot level... I mean technically speaking, it was very well-made. Good cinematography, good direction, good acting, good sets, etc etc etc. But the plot and characters sucked.

For example:

I hated Jude Law's character; he was so needy and pathetic. He was like a little kid, basically. (By the way, I think I'm the only woman in the world who does not find Jude Law the least bit attractive... he looks like a girl, he's so damn pretty. I don't know why everyone thinks he's so sexy.)

Clive Owen's character grossed me out, he was SUCH a pervert. I actually love Clive Owen, he's the reason I saw the movie. And he acted it superbly... I mean for him to get me to be disgusted by his character, it takes a lot.

And then all around, I hate movies where you're supposed to feel bad for the characters, when really, throughout the movie, they're doing the stupidest things... Like in this one, you just wanna slap them and say, "Well, yeah, you CHEATED on her/him... what did you expect?!" It's like, don't even cry... suck it up and take responsibility for what you brought on yourself.

Anyway, and I think the moral of the story was that too much honesty in a relationship will tear it apart... that there needs to be a certain level of lying and secrecy in order for the relationship to work. Which is BOGUS. Here's a thought... if you don't cheat, then there's nothing to hide!!!
They're addressing the wrong problem-- the issue is not the brutal honesty, the issue is the cheating.

Anyway, enough of that soapbox. Long story short, I hated the plot and characters, loved everything else about the movie.