There is a store on 34 street and Lexington ave in NYC if I remember right. There is a plaque on the wall. It said that is where the first baseball game under those rules. If it's true.

Minor league baseball where I am is a very cool place to bring young kids for me it's my grand children. You sign in your kids before the start of the game. They do something for them in between every inning races throwing completions, kids dance. The time before last when they were good they played Doowop music and last time there was a fire works display.

I saw a Doowop concert on another occasion. Kenny Vance and the Planatones appeared that guy can still sing. He sang looking for an echo it was also a movie a good one buy it. Armand assante starred my friend Johnny Roastbeef was in it.

Major league soccer could learn a lot from minor league baseball on how to run their operations. They should hire minor league baseball people on how to make it a good time for all.

Andrew dice clay does shows at the Brooklyn cyclone field.

Best thing about it is one of my favorite Italian restraunt is right around the corner from the field Gargiulo's.

only the unloved hate