Originally Posted By: salvi62
Indica is what has helped me so far.

The penalties for possession of a little weed vs H are almost nothing. I believe possession of H has a minimum of 3 years. Get caught with a small amount of weed you might go to jail , but there is also a chance you catch a cool fuzz who just takes your shit and lets you go with a warning. That would NEVER happen with H. You get caught with that shit you are definitely going to jail.

I too have lost many friends and had a few close calls myself.

3 years minimum for possession of H, that's harsh. But, i don't think it's right from what I've read. Especially in the NE nyc,nj etc.

Here,in UK if your caught with H, your definetely getting charged. Which might not happen with weed,speed . You're looking at probation or small fine here.
Yes, H here in UK can also be crappy but usually its ok. Yoy get 1.7g for £60/70