Doesn't mean anything really! He's old school. Hating on gays does not mean u are petrified of gays. You've got the wrong end of the stick. He would disown her because he's disappointed. I understand this logic very well because my culture is exactly the same

It's just that since the last decade somehow the media and governments alike (west) have really started to embrace homo/lesbian etc even Bruce Jenner is a role model for turning into a "woman". It's somehow hip to be gay and seen as self righteous

As for Chin, he's no different to the men AND woman in my culture

I knew one family, the daughter was dating a black guy and at family events he was never welcome. He would come by and pick her up after waiting in the car

One of the younger brothers was bisexual and when the elder brother found out (he was much older/ more like a father or uncle figure than brother) he threatened to kick the shit out of him

So it was more so "shame" than being "petrified"