Well, Moe a girl who puts herself into a situation where men can harm her is only asking to be raped and killed. Why didn't she listen to her father? Doesn't she trust her own father? He knew there were transients and men in the area who could harm his daughter.

If there are sharks in the water and a lifeguard tells you not to go in and you go in the water and bleed to death. Whose fault is it? The sharks? No, of course not. Some men cannot help themselves and will attack. She was warned. She didn't listen. Now she's dead.

We, women need to make smart decisions and can never let our guard down. Look up or ask someone who lives in that neighborhood and ask them if they would let their sister or daughter run ALONE on that trail. And they'll tell you It is not safe.

Last edited by Alfanosgirl; 08/07/16 10:45 PM.