Do the Dominicans really have heroin too? You mean on the distribution level right?

I think they are by far the biggest distributor group in the NorthEast, that's probably how they got into the heroin and pills, they have the best distribution. By best I mean they control open air markets, meaning they can move the stuff quickly on the streets.

This Gotti kid looks like a " Big little guy" . What I mean is he has fantastic connects, but not enough distribution, why he's taking chances moving all that work to people he don't know. He probably buys in bulk, first, then tried to push the shit out. A guy like Rizzuto only buys what's basically already paid for, so it's never just sitting around. Plus he would never touch it or be in the same room with the stuff. As others pointed out, he has to have a fuckin A1 solid connect, so why isn't he just focusing on supply? His fuck up is going into the streets to move the shit, himself without a controlled territory where he can screen these people properly, search em have lookout ect........This is what the Dominicans have, a territory that they control, making the dealing, relatively "safe" , or as safe as can be in that business. That leverage of being able to move shit more efficient than everyone else is what keeps em attractive to suppliers.

Reminds me a little of the weed bust from the west side guys son, he was like a lone wolf too, meeting people he didn't know. He got robbed, this one sold to under covers.
Both did business in their cars, these young guys, lol They are from certified gangsters, what's wrong wit em?