Originally Posted By: tt120
i doubt it was some random derelect lurking in the bushes there. my guess , that id bet on, was it was someone she knew. or someone who knew her at least. she was a pretty popular girl in real life and online... thousands of instagram followers. couldnt be too far out of the realm that it was someone who knew her and was stalking her. makes more sense than a psycho hiding out in the woods in the most residential, least outsider friendly (to this day) neighborhood in queens

I bet that perp knew her, but she didn't know him.
Like you said she had thousands of followers on Instagram and almost all of the pics I saw of her were of her in full make-up, sexy clothes or tight work out clothes for every stranger out there to see.
I'm not saying it's wrong what she did, but it can attract some obsessive followers, online and in real life..