Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
I keep reading poor girl on this thread. Why do you feel so sorry for girls like her? Don't tell me that you're all that sheltered!! This girl should have listened to her father. He knew that she would not be safe on the trail without him; he saw how men looked at her. You can't go running ALONE on a deserted trail in this day and age. The girls of today are in La La Land. I read that she was texting a friend and then stopped. You can't text, you can't look at ur phone, how ridiculous. As a female, you need your eyes and ears open to be completely alert of your surroundings. You need pepper spray, a knife, a life alert around your friggin neck. This female was a complete idiot!!! This would not have happened when Gotti was around, not because of him but because of the mentality of the people back in those days. The females knew better than to DISOBEY their fathers' warnings and were much more street smart than the females of today. I feel sorry for her father!! Poor man, looks like he did everything right but just couldn't knock any sense into his clueless daughter!! And I just have a feeling the guy who killed her was probably someone she knew casually. At first I thought it may have been her ex boyfriend but now I'm not so sure. Dumb girl got herself killed.

I somewhat agree with you. Too many women out there post half nudes of themselves on social media not being aware of the psychos that might be following them.It's a crazy world out there. It's really sad what happened to her and can't imagine what her family is going through but many people put themselves in situations like this, I personally think that it was someone she knew and that followed her on social media. How else would they know that she'd be running by herself that evening? Women need to chill down with all he social media shit. You never know what kind of a psycho is watching you.