How ironic. The bloodsucking leech who is contributing to the drug endemic which is taking young lives and destroying families in communities precisely like the one he speaks of says this wouldn't have happened back when his parasite of an uncle was around.

That poor girl came from a good family. Pillars of the community. Went to college, earned a Masters just like her father did before her, and contributed to society.

Her father was a fireman who was part of the rescue and clean up operation on 9/11. The same national tragedy cockroaches like his entire immediate and extended family profited from.

Do he and his idiot, drug peddling friends honestly think they can speak for all law abiding Italian-Americans?

They are complete and utter embarrassments and shame on him and his rotten, lazy, family for making this tragedy about them.

R.I.P. poor girl. Hope they catch the guy that did this.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.