Originally Posted By: pmac
Yep sal
Crazy part the domicans have took that market over. Go to any barbershop or Dominican thats were to get a deal. Blows my mind that little island has the strangle hold in the northeast on herion coke and now percs.

where are you located pmac? didnt know the dominicans were big in pills, at least not here (ny). not surprising though. a lot of fake roxis are out and about in NY. I unfortunately have been a chronic pain patient for 13 years ton of surgeries all sorts of medicine... my doctor wont prescribe oxycodone in any formulation anymore to any of his patients and there are people there who cant walk. its either norco or methadone or ibuprofren or hit the bricks. a lot of other doctors following suit.

you saying that blues are being trafficked in from the DR? dominicans took the hell over nyc there no more puerto ricans left anymore lol they all moved to florida. dominicans are all over boston/providence now too

Last edited by tt120; 08/04/16 03:54 PM.