Originally Posted By: gangstereport
how do you determine who gets executed for drugs? does a street corner dealer who is basicily a kid moving some drugs deserve to die? weed dealers do they deserve it? you cant execute everyone people will always be willing to take the risk if they are broke

The war on drugs is complete failure for many reasons especially in the US it has to be won in individual communities law enforcement throwing kids in prison for being street corner dealers is not the right answer creates a us vs them attitude it needs to be stopped at the source. These kids being arrested instead of throwing them into prison they should try and teach them a new skill try and get them a job and of the streets poverty is the main reason for someone to start dealing. Your countrys system is wrong aswell too many prisoners its ridiclous and the people inside prison need to be learning skills for when they get out if your a kid who has been dealing get out of prison what can you do cant get a job only option is too keep dealing. We should be trying to find a job for these guys when they get out they should have a job waiting for them then they will know what it is like to earn money legit and will be of the streets

the guy who made the wire made a documentary on the war on drugs recently its on netflix very interesting you see how it is a complete failure for the police for the people dealing for the local community no one wins

US has 5 % of the worlds population but 20% of the worlds prison population there is something seriously wrong with that

18+ isn't a kid obviously. And those younger drug dealers wouldnt be a factor if nobody is alive to supply them. You combine executing drug trafflickers here in the US with our military going into, say, Mexico and wiping out the cartels (think Clear and Present Danger) and I believe you could stop the bulk of the drug trade here in the US. Of course, for this to work, you'd have to completely overhaul our judicial system, particularly when it comes to appeals. Success would depend on drug traffickers seeing others being judged and executed quickly and in large numbers. They'd really have to believe involvement in the drug trade would mean certain and swift death.

Anyway, I've suggested this on the forums before and its usually met with feigned horror and outrage. As if the scourge of drugs on our society over the years is preferable. And then that's usually when I get the insane arguments for legalizing drugs.

As for what you said, training and other things are offered in prison, though you're not going to find a lot of employers lining up to hire drug dealers just getting out. And the idea that all or even most of these guys get involved because they're in poverty isn't true. It's often because they can make more dealing than they can starting out at some minimum wage job.

Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
Are you talking about major drugs like heroin, coke, and meth? Would you support execution for minor drugs like pot?

Well you're talking to the guy who also believes alcohol and tobacco should be outlawed. It's hypocritical of our government to say those drugs are OK (because many of them partake) but not these other drugs. Especially when alcohol and tobacco, because of their widespread availability, cause more overall damage than all those other drugs combined.

So yes, I would include marijuana, which I don't think is a minor drug. It is addicting, is often a gateway drug to others, turns people into lazy morons, and has is very unhealthy to the body. It's why I roll my eyes when I see liberals be so against tobacco but advocate for legalized weed.

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