Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: BillyBrizzi
Just watched episode 1..

What beautiful nostalgia does this show stir up in me.
The synthesizer soundtrack, the BMX bikes, the clothes and the haircuts. Man, I miss the 80's.

The acting is great indeed, from the kids but also the adults.
Nice to see Winona Ryder in it, always liked her acting..

Yeah, you had to live in the 80s to fully appreciate the show.

I agree Ivy, all those little things are so familiar, like the furniture and the music the adolescents play on their cassette tapes. No Youtube or Spotify in those days, you had to really put in some effort if you wanted your favorite music all together on one medium wink

Just watched episode 4, I'm halfway through and this show is getting better each episode. This is the best Netflix original show to date imo. I'm also very impressed by David Harbour, the actor who plays police chief Hopper, a very underrated but solid actor..
And I didn't recognize her at first, but Cara Buono, of Sopranos fame as Keli Moltisanti, doesn't do a bad job at all as the worrying mother of Nancy and Mike. And she still does it for me LOL