Originally Posted By: VegasMikey
Lol this just in.... NICODEMO WILL NOT FLIP. I wonder if people will still speculate in ten years

I fully agree Vegas. Not sure if in my rant I came off as saying if Dom doesn't step up for his family he's going to flip. I agree that nicodemo isn't talking no matter what.. I think there's no chance he ever flips... I was just saying In my mind it's only right to do what he can to help his buddies family when he's away... I knew if I was nicodemo I would really appreciate it and it would mean a lot to me knowing my friends were helping my family...

Anyone think grande was in on any of the other hits that nicodemo is suspected in??? I have no idea but would be interesting to know.. Like I say from what I see and know he's really well liked by everyone.

Why never any info on al lance?? Mikey lances nephew?? He's got a button but no one ever has much to say about him at all.. He stays pretty low key is never really seen in all the pictures like most of the other guys.. Just always wondered about him, who's his captain?? He also lives in Delaware so I wonder where his rackets are based? I'm guessing south jersey even though philly ain't that much further.. Sorry about my rant just once I get going I start thinking of other shit that I would be interested in getting answers on,,,,,