Originally Posted By: BillyBrizzi
I think the first generations of wiseguys born between 1900 and 1945 didn't have a lot of options to make a lot of money in the legitimate world or go to college to become a doctor, lawyer or whatever.

That's why I think the most intelligent gangsters came from that era i.e. Meyer Lansky, Moe Dalitz, Lucky Luciano, Frank Costello, Carlo Gambino, Tony Accardo and Vincent Alo for example. I really think these men were very smart and could've been leaders in the upperworld, be it in business or politics. We all know that the mob must recruit from a different gene pool these days like George Anastasia puts it, because the most intelligent Italian-American boys these days go to college and want a legitimate profession. The descendants of Jewish gangsters chose that route a lot earlier.

Totally agree Billy. A lot of the guys from that generation come across as very smart. If they didn't grow up so poor they could have been successful in the legitimate world.

Also agree with alicecooper. It's easy to run a successful business when you have all the unions and plenty of muscle on your side.