Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Originally Posted By: strococs
Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Anyone can kill anyone. Especially these days, as evidenced in the news. If someone owed an amount of money they couldn't pay back, and they felt their life was threatened, they'd be crazy not to go to the police. It would be their best move.

The police might not be able to do anything and second your not getting 24/7 protection for a gambling debt . Most likely you be killed and never see it coming

"most likely" i'd be killed? lol. Right. That would probably be the least likely outcome. It's not the 1950s. Police aren't on the take anymore, at least not with wiseguys. A dead body shows up now and the forensics team is on the scene. There are cameras on practically every public space now. "never see it coming". lol. Somebody watched Goodfellas on AMC yesterday.

Yes if someone wanted to kill you. You wouldn't even see it coming sir. HAs nothing to do what decade it is. Yes most people wont get killed over a gambling debt but it does happen.
Go call your local police department see how sympathetic they are to some degen gambler not paying his debts.
Your shot while fixing a flat tire on your car what kind of forensics will there be. Some blurry image on a video camera.
Your just typical moron on these boards has a big mouth but is a pussy in real life. PRobably stuck a bookie for 200 dollars because your a low life POS. You piss in your pants if you had to deal with somebody real. have a nice life scumbag