Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

It's not that I don't necessarily agree that black men are treated differently at times - though I stand by what the stats say as a whole - I just don't agree with the reasons. The black/liberal explanation is that cops are racist, like they come home from their shift, take off their uniforms, and put on their white hoods. The more realistic, practical explanation is that it's black males who make up a big percentage of the violent crime in this country. If you're a cop, and that's who you deal with much of the time day in and day out, you're going to treat them differently. People high on their PC horse will cry "profiling" and "racism" but it makes sense. Who the black community should really be angry at is the criminals in their midst who give them a bad name.

I view some of this as deflection and straw men.
Some police officers engaging in behavior that is reckless and not consistent with THEIR training and procedures is the contention. You're choosing to deflect from this and absolve the bad cops for their decisions and actions.

The deflection about how many more interactions there will be between L.E. and Black men? In most jobs, the more experience you have doing a certain task, the more proficient and wise you get handling it. If officers are having more experience stopping,detaining, or apprehending Black men....I'd think that cops would be better able to read ,diffuse, and control situations better and there would be less violence.

Like I said before, I grew up in a particular violent city and era...Newark,NJ in the crack era 1980s. Real cops who were dealing with real crime problems in a majority Black city. Physically, I was indistinguishable from the kids who were part of the criminal element yet I never once had any problems or legal interaction with police in Newark.

I think the training was better,cops had on the field experience in assessing people by BEHAVIOR rather than appearance, and cops there didn't have idle time on their hands to do some of the foolish stuff some of these cops today are doing....liking deciding to pull over people because they fit descriptions because they have "wide set noses".

Straw man arguments about what liberal media or Blacks are saying about cops and the klan have no bearing on this discussion because nobody can "prove" what is in anybody's heart or mind. Fact remains that in a lot of these cases, cops are not following the guidelines that they were trained under.Overly aggressive,, speaking to citizens in disrespectful manner, reckless use of violence/force on suspect,falsifying or not filling out police reports after incidents. Basically not being professional when doing their jobs. It's like when dealing with Black men, some cops throw their training out of the window and it becomes about macho posturing.

exactly they've just become emboldened because nobody is going to jail for shooting people

black people go to jail for the shootings certain people claim that black people ignore