Originally Posted By: BlackFamily

Last article is from my city. We have always stated that the black community have groups, individuals, networks, & orgs from different locations speaking on the violence within the community. That's why I said that posters on here don't know what they're speaking on since you didn't grew up there nor reside. These anti violence wave BEEN going on but you know mainstream news rarely displays it compared to filling your meal course with violence. The first homicide in my city this year is personal because I know the shooter personally.

BF, Thanks for sharing. Like you said, these marches rarely get publicized on TV. It may take people of major influence to force the networks to them coverage because they would rather focus on controversy and division.

Gets, we absolutely do need to get more in depth in these conversations. The problem we encounter is that few want to talk seriously and the rest either troll or mock, ruining it for the rest of us. This is an idea: Maybe we could even set up a topic that is only for racial issues and with admin permission, is set up to delete posts of those who want to just be assholes. It'll be our own little think tank. It may not go anywhere and probably won't change public policy, but we can at least create some understanding and correct myths and misinformation. It would be a good single place where we could address both Right-wing and Left-wing narratives while leaving partisanship at the door. In fact, we could just limit it to policy discussions and leave out the politicians.