
I don't have a problem discussing things with you if we can do it as adults. In the past...during discussions, I've asked you questions....not insulting, not condescending, or in a silly way....and you've opted to not answer and just leave the thread. I'd prefer not to waste time like that.

I think in the history of this country, that those who fall out of the mainstream WASP culture....be they Jews,Catholics,Mormons,Blacks,etc are afforded fuller inclusion in American society under "progressive" and or "liberal" leaders and judges. Conservatism, by definition, is about maintaining the status quo.

As recently as past 10 years....the leader of the largest Protestant denomination in America..literally THE core of the religious right...publicly made disparaging comments about Mormonism. As an example. Not off the cuff remarks either...I think at a public speech.

There is something to be said for being honest about religious differences, but it reveals the limitations of elements of conservatism....that my way is the right way and everybody else has to agree with me or they are wrong.

People who fall out of the "approved" traditions and values of what some people believe have no value and no place in the eyes of the more extreme conservatives.

Those people(the "outsiders", despite what THEIR personal beliefs are, will tend to vote in ways that promote cultural pluralism.