Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: RollinBones
Originally Posted By: Crash
The fact that blacks get murdered by other blacks at such an alarming rate but never protest black violence is a crime in itself.

and how exactly do you know this.. because it's not on CNN? in just about every major city with significant gun violence there are anti-violence organizations that hold meetings, marches, and various other forms of anti-violence activism that nobody hears about because few people care about those communities in the first place.

the whole "black on black crime is never protested" is failing to see the forest through the trees and also flat out incorrect.

The outrage in the black community over the daily violence that comes from drugs/gangs pales in comparison to any single officer involved shooting. Furthermore, as I mentioned elsewhere, they talk about how "black lives matter" and yet they keep voting in pro-abortion Democrat politicians. Black babies make up a HUGE portion of those killed every year. Black on black violence begins in the womb. But you won't hear them say anything about that.

This isn't necessarily about degrees of outrage as opposed to the mere existence of it, because it's usually one of the first talking points people turn to when people become outraged over police brutality. I'm simply pointing out that outrage over black on black violence does exist and there are people actively fighting against it, and have been for decades. Also, there's the fact that these killings are being carried out by the police, those who are supposed to protect communities. That has a lot to do with the widespread outrage.

As for the second half of your post, I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say that "black babies are a huge portion of those killed". Is this reference to gun violence or abortion?