@Foot and Ted,

yeah it was a smart scheme to use the kids as interference while doing major robbery in the same area.I'd bet money that the guys who planned it would later lead the "these g-damn Black guys" rants after the neighbors returned to a ransacked house.
Cops chalk it up to outsiders and the guy gets away with it.

Gotta respect the plan.


About this case, something else doesn't add up. This picture appears to be taken in broad daylight. Even if you factor in that it's light out until 7pm.

What time would the deceased have been bringing home the day's take?

Don't these food places stay open late...especially during the summer?
NY banks have late hours at least once a week,it doesn't add up that one of these "6 times a year hauls" wouldn't be deposited during banking hours.

Are we supposed to assume the guy on camera was staking out the deceased's home for HOURS before the attack for a robbery and then panics and leaves without the money?