I betting every house on that street have them web cams on the porch. Im mean the pics clear anyone thats knows the shooter should recognize the snekers and jorts the haircut and glasses surprised theres not a 10k reward dude would be caught the second that picture leaked. Also if a hit why not kill bim the second he got out the car why wait till he gets to the home. Or stick him up once he got out the car conflicting theorys. The colombos killed the cop rite infront the house speking of which wonder when that cop killer big dino gets sentenced. The feds have been holding that off forever dude flipped 8yrs ago and didnt get 1 conviction for the cops murder but him admitting it. Plus he killed a 5 other people. They sentenced that guy caves to i think 12 yrs. But then that crazy guy in bk killed the 2 cops last summer nd this big dino story disappeared.