Originally Posted By: mikeyballs211
Originally Posted By: MightyDR
There's an article about Johnny Dio by Joe Bruno that I thought was pretty good.

Thanks mighty that was a real good article answered alotta my questions about dio... It says he had 2 sons who were made men one in the Columbo family and one in the Lucchese family.. Does anyone know more about them? They still alive and or active?

Who took over Johnny Dios crew and anyone know who were members of his crew? I know Tommy Dio likely was but anyone know of others?

Im embarassed to ask bc Goodfellas ls my favorite movie of all time but it is Dio in the can with Paulie and Henry right? Did those Guys actually serve time together? I thought I remembered reading in Pileggis book that they did but cant find my damn copy .... Side note but does anyone have an idea who Vinny the other wiseguy in the prison scene that puts in too many onions and agrees to go on a diet with Paulie actually is? I know the actual actor i think is Scorsese's dad but who is it supposed to be? My guess is Vincent Dinapoli?

Henry Hill, Paul Vario and Johnny Dio all did time together in Lewisberg according to Wiseguy. There's a great part in the book where Hill first arrives in prison. He's waiting in line for a uniform, pillow etc, guards are barking orders, then he sees Paulie, Johnny Dio and Andy Ruggierio in the distance laughing. The guards clam up and Paulie takes Henry away lol

The Vinnie is Vinnie Aloi, the Colombo captain. According to Hill, he did indeed put too much onions in the sauce. Johnny Dio did panfried steak. Funnily enough, Jimmy Doyle who you mentioned earlier was in there with them too.