This is a post that I translated by my fb page,I don't write it but I'm agree on what is sad,sorry for the eventual grammar errors.

What did the European Union for the uk? 90% of trade agreements has always favored the uk. rather, what did the uk for the eu as well as being the parasite? giving the opportunity for Community boys to go there to do the waiters? the eu has given funds to all those British universities that are not called oxford, cambridge or trinity. in the smaller universities, 90% of students come from immigrant families, or are immigrants who want to make ends meet.

these students will all go one day to occupy a place in the industrial sector, in particular the engineering industry since that there is lack of English staff. must thank these "parasites" if are the world's fourth largest economic power (How much longer do not know). but as always the blame falls the immigrant, even for the poor ethics of British whites who do not want to make sacrifices or certain jobs (remember, in the UK there is no a racism problem, rather it is one of the most multi-ethnic societies it exists, but classism: the white of the city should not dirty your hands).

Now one of the consequences of this referendum will be the reformulation of working contracts, reforms will follow on the work that will lead to insecurity and the UK will still be locked with austerity policies although no longer part of EU. and I think this referendum has also decreed the end of the UK (the Scots want to review their referendum, the sinn fein, nationalist party in Northern Ireland would insist to the sound of popular uprisings and attacks on Ireland annexation. at least according the eu gave stability to the UK in the internal politics)

the uk must thank the EU if until now has been able to make her comfy, maintaining its privileges and continuing to waste. must thank the eu which amended various treaties as Schengen, rome, lisbon, etc. so that the UK would join the eu without having to give up their money or cut waste, exploit free trade without being in Schengen, without having signed the fiscal compact. the success of this referendum is due to the propaganda of the right that has incited the people against immigration

as if it was the only topic of the referendum (when the uk then accepts least of all the EU and meanwhile pockets the funds for integration policies in fueling the phenomenon of segregation and giving a hand to fundamentalism religious), and all 'general ignorance, average of English, on economic and functional illiteracy in certain social classes and rural policies (to vote leave it is mainly over-65. think carefully when someone asks "what did EU, for us?".

Last edited by furio_from_naples; 06/24/16 12:35 PM.