Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
I understand the argument about the second ammendment, and I'm sure if I was an American I would own a gun. However I do not understand or see how Republicans and NRA are trying to stop a ban on people on terror watch lists buying firearms, this is ludicrous and just common sense!!!

Why is it common sense? Because it sounds good? Because it's a feel good meme that's repeated over and over again by President Obama and the left-wing news media?

The fact is that people are WRONGLY put on the No-Fly List all the time.

-Even Far-Left Congressman John L. Lewis was put on the list because his name matched another person named John Lewis.

-Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy was put on the list because his name matched someone named T. Kennedy. Unlike the average person, however, he was able to personally call the head of Homeland Security to get his name removed...in three weeks. If it takes that long for a senator, how hard to you think it is for the average person who doesn't have access and doesn't have a lot of money?

Here is one notable criticism from 2002: "In November 2002 Salon reported that the No-Fly program seemed "to be netting mostly priests, elderly nuns, Green Party campaign operatives, left-wing journalists, right-wing activists and people affiliated with Arab or Arab-American groups." Art dealer Doug Stuber, who ran Ralph Nader’s Green Party presidential campaign in North Carolina in 2000, was prevented from flying to Europe on business in October 2002. He was repeatedly pulled out of line, held for questioning until his flight left, then told falsely he could take a later flight or depart from a different airport. Barbara Olshansky, then Assistant Legal Director for the Center for Constitutional Rights, noted that she and several of her colleagues received special attention on numerous occasions. On at least one occasion, she was ordered to pull her trousers down in view of other passengers."

-Yes, that criticism was made 14 years ago, but consider how badly run many other federal departments are today, such as the Veteran's Administration. It's notorious for promoting the incompetent and making veterans wait so long for help that they die. How about the IRS (Internal Revenue Service), the American tax collecting division. It targets political groups it doesn't like for expensive audits or denies them non-profit status. The fact is that there are many false positives today.

-Here's another fact: Omar Mateen was on the terrorist watch list or no-fly list at one time, but was taken off. He was allowed weapons because he had done nothing to prevent him from getting them. He also worked security for a firm that contracted with the Department of Homeland Security. There were complaints about him, but the FBI determined he just said stuff out of anger. A former coworker, whom he stalked and harassed, said Mateen was protected because he was Muslim. A gun shop owner reported to the FBI that Mateen should be investigated for suspicious questions he asked. Nothing happened.

-Here's another fact: Representatives from CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations, and a Muslim Brotherhood front group) works directly with the Obama administration and Homeland Security. So does the Muslim Brotherhood itself. While Egypt (along with Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia and few other countries) has declared the MB to be a terrorist group, the United States has not. The Islamist organization was founded in Egypt.

Does this mean I think there should be no restrictions on guns? No, I don't think that, but they had better be well thought out and not adopted because of political pressure from a party that wants to make a name for itself.

I suggest you read these articles:


Last edited by Faithful1; 06/23/16 11:30 PM.