I haven't outlined any faults yet, thats why...I believe in scientific progress and am always willing to accept contradictions/faults whenever they arise...when does a religious person say the same?

When you bring up communist government atrocities, its similar to me continually talking about Islam and how evil it is. I think we both agree that both are fairly poor examples of religion/atheism? My point is though, that an intrinsic doctrine within nearly every religion is the threat of punishment and intolerance of particular groups of people...that was the original point. These same religious people aspire to political office...why should people tolerate presidents running the USA who subsequently say they can hear a god talking to them?

Theres no real accepted thought amongst atheists that religious people should be exterminated and you know it. You think the best form of defence is attack and find it best to raise extreme examples of atheist intolerance...I haven't done that with religion (it would be easy though). Fact is, religious people CANNOT accept faults within their faith lest they become sinful...thats the catch 22 with religion.

Have a personal faith, by all means if it gives strength/comfort etc great...just don't bother other people with skewed opinions about real things..Ive heard it before on the boards about gay people and its usually from those with a religious faith who just cannot accept any fault in what they say...which I understand - whenever religion is questioned, its taken as a personal insult...no wonder if they've invested so much time and effort into it but, tough shit, relax, compromise, take the blinkers off and accept some criticism sometimes - there must be something somewhere in the book that can be interpreted that way.